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MCS Charitable Foundation

MCS Charitable Foundation

The independent, grant making MCS Charitable Foundation was created by the government as part of changes in the ownership of MCS (Microgeneration Certification Scheme Service Company Limited). MCS Charitable Foundation is the sole shareholder of MCS, receiving a percentage of the annual profits, which it will award in line with its charitable objectives.

The aim of MCS Charitable Foundation is to protect and conserve the environment, by increasing confidence and awareness amongst the UK public of the value of renewables and low carbon technology.

Their vision is a world where everyone has access to affordable and reliable renewable energy and low carbon technologies – for the benefit of our environment, our communities and the UK public.

They plan to achieve this by setting quality standards for microgeneration products and installers, raising public awareness of renewables through education and engagement programmes and by promoting study and funding research into renewable and low carbon technology in order to drive innovation and widespread adoption.

Visit their website: