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Membership benefits – for Manufacturers

MCS certification assures suppliers, regulators and consumers that an independent organisation has reviewed a product’s manufacturing process and determined that the product complies with MCS specific standards for quality, reliability and performance.

MCS product certification ensures that your products are compliant with UK regulations and provides manufacturers with the opportunity to position your quality products at the forefront of this growing industry. It also means that customers can rest assured that the renewable systems they choose will deliver the results that manufacturers say they will.

Access to the UK’s small-scale renewable energy market

The vast majority of installers of renewable energy systems in UK homes and small businesses are MCS approved. MCS installers recognise the importance of adhering to MCS Standards, under which only MCS certified products can be deployed. By securing MCS certification for your product, you gain access to the UK’s largest base of small-scale renewable energy installers who under their certification, are obliged to only install MCS certified products.

Quality mark for your product

Maintaining MCS certification is a demonstration of the quality and reliability of your product through its adherence to the UK’s recognised, small-scale renewable energy Standard. The MCS certification mark is therefore a great way to instil consumer confidence in your product and can help differentiate your product from the competition.

Enabling consumer access to export tariffs and government incentives

MCS is the route through which small-scale renewable energy installations can qualify for available export tariffs or government incentives, as determined by UK legislation. For example under the government’s Smart Export Guarantee (SEG), energy suppliers with over 150,000 customers are required to provide customers with an export tariff for their surplus electricity. MCS certification is a qualification requirement under SEG. Energy suppliers are provided with direct access to the MCS Installations Database (MID), so that they can validate whether a customer’s renewable energy system has been installed by an MCS approved installer, using MCS certified products.

Product Directory Listing

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