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Demonstrating Competency

How to Demonstrate Competency

MCS is a company-based certification scheme. When either seeking or maintaining certification each certified company (MCS Contractor) is asked to demonstrate how they engage the services of individuals with the appropriate skills, competency and experience to fulfil each activity involved in the supply, design, installation, set to work and commissioning of microgeneration systems.

MCS refers to these individuals as Nominated Technical Persons (NTPs). NTP(s) must be competent in the technical aspects associated with the technology or technologies that they are responsible for.

NTP(s) must evidence their competency in the following ways:


1.Hold an in date qualification or personal certification

2.Have completed non-regulated training approved by MCS

3.Completed an MCS approved independent assessment of competency


The current list of MCS approved training covering the categories above, can be found on the Find a Training Course page